Even though you’re trying your best and doing a good job as far as you’re concerned, sometimes being good at your job just isn’t enough. At least in the traditional sense. So why do others around you get the raises and promotions? Why are they picked for juicy assignments? Is it something you’re doing wrong? […]
Permission To Believe In Yourself (with Certificate)
Sometimes we forget who we really are — and all that we are capable of making happen. Or we begin to let all our mistakes or failures become who we think we really are. But of all the assets we bring to our lives — at work and beyond — the ability to believe in […]
Work Skills For a Better Job? Finance Skills Can Help!
Thinking about getting some new skills for a better job? Often that’s the key to moving up in a company. Or moving out of your current job to one that pays better. If you are cringing at the mere thought of … eek … numbers, you’re not alone. But just imagine being able to add […]
Starting a Blog vs Writing a Book: Which Do YOU Choose
Maybe you’re thinking about starting a blog. Or is it that book you’ve been dreaming about nudging you to finally get started? That was me in 2006. And in truth, I wasn’t even thinking about blogging until a friend explained what the heck a blog even was! Initially I thought blogging was kind of silly. […]
Daring To Imagine a Different Life!
“You are daring to imagine a different life!” Thus Birdie (Jean Stapleton) comforts Kathleen (Meg Ryan), who decides to close her store in You’ve Got Mail. Whether you like the film or not (okay … it’s one of my faves), the words offer a powerful message. One of the things that keep us from change […]
10 Two-Letter Words To Motivate Yourself
Campbell Soup CEO has great career advice for recent graduates or anyone at any point of their career…10 little words can make a big difference
5 Things I Learned About Fear of Success
I think everyone has had first-hand experience with fear of failure, at one point in their life or another. Lord knows I face it every time I sit down with a blank page. But there’s a less obvious fear that’s even scarier and more potentially damaging to your career — it’s the fear of success. […]
Please Don’t Let Failures Stop You!
Do you let failures stop you — or even slow you down? You’re definitely not alone. So many times we let something we failed at keep us from trying again. Or even thinking along the same lines. Someone I’ll call Theresa thinks of herself as a failure. Yet to me she’s successful in so many […]
The Non-Linear Path to Happiness at Work
Hardly anyone finds the perfect job on day one of his or her career. Sometimes it takes many jobs to get to where we want to go. (In my case many MANY.)
7 Ways You Can Put Emotional Intelligence to Work
Wondering how you can put emotional intelligence to work for you? It’s a phrase we hear thrown around a lot. But what is it? And why should we care? I first heard the term emotional intelligence linked to work in a coaching class. The teacher assigned us Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can […]