Even when you’re doing your best to keep your mind on the job, your day can be ruined. Annoying bosses who start screaming. Annoying coworkers who plays their music way too loud. Or ones who don’t seem to know the purpose of soap and water.
Granted, these things may not sound too bad if they happen once in a while. But, like the drip drip drip of a faucet, over time annoying coworkers and bosses can drive you stark raving mad! And, in some cases, there may be little you can do about it.
With so much of your life spent at the job, you might start thinking that it’s time to leave. Life is too short to be so miserable. But I’ve never been in a workplace without annoying people. Some of them are even us at times. 🙂
Dealing with oh so annoying bosses
Of course, not all bosses are ogres. But even the good ones can drive you crazy at times. Luckily there are ways you can help your situation. Some articles to help:
Worried My Boss Wants to Fire Me
When Your Boss Yells At You
How To Deal With a Bully Boss
My Boss Tries To Control Everything!
Should I Go Out With My Boss If He Asks Me?
What If Your Boss Asks You To Lie For Him?
Why It’s So Easy To Get Mad at Your Boss
5 Ways Complaining About Your Boss Hurts You
Help! My Boss Doesn’t Respond To Emails
Why Is HR So Useless When You’re Being Bullied?
My Boss Doesn’t Respect Me No Matter What I Do
My Boss Says I Have an Attitude Problem
My Boss Is So Incompetent!
Boss Doesn’t Communicate with Staff
My Boss Takes Credit for Everything I Do!
Boss Won’t Let Me Transfer To a Different Department
Are You Afraid To Talk To Your Boss?
Help! My Boss Doesn’t Understand Me
What To Do If Your Boss Takes You For Granted
What’s Wrong With Bosses Anyway?
15 Mistakes Inexperienced Managers Make
What NOT To Do If You Work for a Dumb Boss!
Boss Won’t Allow Personal Items On Your Desk!
Management Mistakes: Don’t vs Do Management Style
Boss Won’t Delegate. What Can I Do?
Why Won’t My Boss Retire Already!
My Boss Keeps Secrets From His Staff!
Boss Canceled a Vacation That I Already Planned
Boss Pushes Political Views at Work
⇒ EXTRA:   Boss Treats You Badly? It’s Not Your fault!
Let’s not forget annoying coworkers
When choosing a job, we usually get to meet our new boss and maybe a few of the people we’ll be working with. But sometimes coworkers can surprise us, as well as just plain annoy us.
Coworkers Don’t Like Me. What Can I Do?
Work Friend Is Asking For Money. What Do I Say?
Overly Friendly Coworker Wants To Be Friends!
Coworker Betrayed Me. Now It’s Hard To Trust.
Coworker Plays Music Too Loud
Messy Coworkers: Is Your Coworker a Slob?
Playing the Blame Game at Work
Pros & Cons of Kissing Up To Your Boss
Is there romance in the air?
Sometimes our workplace relationships with bosses and coworkers come with a hint of potential romance. Could be a good thing. Although, even then, there are very real issues to at least consider.
Here are some posts to help … or at least offer a bit of perspective and hopefully comfort!
Pros and Cons of Flirting With a Coworker
Should I Go Out With My Boss If He Asks Me?
Share your story. Add your thoughts. Ask a question!