People often get to this site asking “What if I never find a job?” Or some question like that. And while I do not have a crystal ball (mine is still in the shop), there are a few things I do know for sure. You just need to keep looking and never give up, no matter how rough things get. No matter what anyone tells you. Np matter what you tell yourself at times.
Also … you need to truly understand that the picture of the job you want and the one you wind up with may differ. But if you accept all that and keep going, you will get yourself hired. How do I know? Because in my own life and career, I hit the wall many times.
Long ago, after much job search obstacle climbing of my own, I learned there was always a way. But I had to keep telling myself that. And not always “the way” I ever imagined or planned for. Still those new ways eventually led me to new opportunities that my original path could never have shown me.
To never find a job, you need to stop believing in yourself or in possibilities yet unseen. But to EVER find onw, you instead need to truly believe that there is one out there for you — somewhere!
About unseen job paths
Of course, you may get exactly what you want in your very next job. If so, congratulation. But if the job you wind up with is NOT the one you want for yourself in the long run — or even the short run– you have the power to change things for yourself, step by step.
Because of my own experience, much of this site, Work To the Wise, is dedicated to helping you turn things around for yourself. And finding ways to improve what falls short of your desired work life.
Here’s one of my posts written with that idea in mind:
⇒ Job Morphing: 20 Ways You Can Improve Your Job and Career
One of the most interesting things about unplanned paths is you will come across people and new ideas. Maybe even chances to learn new skills. Or take on a project you never heard of. And light bulbs of possibility will go off in your head if you just stay alert and open. And dare to let yourself try for more.
What if you try and fail???
So what! I failed many times. And it certainly wasn’t fun at the time. But lots of successful people fail before they succeed. How else do they find what doesn’t work, so they can move on to what does?
And I learned each time. Then I picked myself up and found a different way. It’s only those who believe they are failures and keep believing that who get stopped in their tracks. You are not a failure you know — even if you feel like one now and then.
Some important posts to read if this sounds like you:
⇒ I Can’t Stop Feeling Like a Failure
⇒ Please Don’t Let Failures Stop You!
Posts to help you find a job …
So now that I’ve said a bunch of stuff you may or may not believe, here is a link to a few posts to help with your job search. So you can let go of feeling that you’ll never find a job.
But also some articles to help you see how much of what work feels like for you can be in your control — knowing full well that sooooo much of it isn’t.
Job Search & Interview Resource Center!
And to help you make more of any job:
Real Problem (Maybe) If Your Job Feels Wrong
How Changing Your Attitude Can Change Your Job!
How To Change Your Job Without Quitting
When Emotions Take Over In the Workplace
What To Do If Your Job Makes You Miserable
Do You Feel You’re Not Appreciated at Work?
Why Do I Always Pick the Wrong Job?
So You Screwed Up at Work — Now What?
Build Work Relationships Face-to-Face!
How To Deal With a Bully Boss
Are You Afraid To Talk To Your Boss?
Why It’s So Easy To Get Mad at Your Boss
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