I get comments from readers talking about how much they dislike their current job. But a recent comment from Mark got me thinking about people who, looking back, actually feel they wasted their life in the job(s) they’ve had so far. That brings the issue to a whole new level where it not only touches […]
“I Almost Forgot!” Social Side of Returning to the Office
I’m an introvert. And I can happily work from home for long periods of time. But a friend of mine, Delia, just wrote me about her experience returning to the office after over a year away: “I didn’t realize how social I am!” she told me, adding how depressed she had been when forced to […]
Holiday Giving: Fun Free Way To Give and Learn!
At this holiday time, as the new year beckons, I figured it might be nice to add a quick post about one of my favorite, easy ways to give. It’s a site called Free Rice. (This link goes to an English spelling quiz, just one of the available categories. More on that later.) While it’s […]
Is Job Social Life Your Only Social Life?
I wasn’t at all prepared for the social effects of losing my job. It never occurred to me most of my social life was related to my job.
What Makes a Job Good?
I’ve been thinking about what makes a job good. And who gets to decide if it’s really good or not. (Hint: The decider probably should be you.) Many, many moons ago I found this poem in a little joke book. It made me laugh at the time, and, for whatever reason, stuck in my head […]
How To Take a Nature Break at Your Desk!
A friend just sent me a YouTube video of birds singing in the woods. I was totally consumed by something I was writing at the time, and my first thought was “This is stupid. Take a nature break NOW?” But as I’ve learned over the years, sometimes it pays to stop, take a sec, and […]
What Kids Are Learning About Work From You!
When I was a little girl, I watched a lot. And listened. Most kids do. And although my parents probably never thought about it, I also learned about work from them. Whether we realize it or not, kids are learning about work all the time from things parents and other people say. And from tone […]
What If You Never Find Your Dream Job?
I am sure many of you have had the thought at some point in your career “What if I never find my dream job?” Or, what if my dream job, once I do find it, is not what I want it to be? It’s hard to keep dreaming when doubts creeps in. Or when we […]
Is Twitter Addiction Hijacking Your Brain?
There are many great reasons to love Twitter, including the role tweeting has played in political activism and social good. So why am I bothering you with this article about Twitter addiction? Because we’re in a time when our brains are being targeted from all directions. And we don’t even realize the extent to which […]
Career Success? All I Do Is Work
A reader, Diana, wrote to say that she has a really good job and what many would call career success. And this didn’t happen by accident. She worked hard to get to this point. But what she wanted me to know most is: “All I do is work!” They say we reap what we sow. […]