In my post about things that make a job good, we look at the bigger picture — and the personal nature of defining good for yourself. But that leaves an important question still unanswered: Besides salary and benefits, what kinds of things should you actually look for in a job?
List of 12 key job qualities
This list isn’t meant to be comprehensive by any means. But I do hope you find at least a few key things to look for in a job when deciding if that job is right for you.
- Boss who respects you.
- Coworkers you truly like and who have your back.
- Knowing your work is appreciated.
- Feeling that your job matters.
- Chance to use skills that you enjoy.
- Opportunity to grow and learn as much as you want.
- Environment that you feel good in.
- Your creativity is welcome and put to good use.
- Opportunity to move ahead, but no judgment if you’re happy as is.
- Understanding and support during tough personal times.
- Acknowledgment and rewards for your contributions.
- And, for whatever reason, you look forward to the next workday.
What do all these things have in common? They’re human-centered, putting human needs and satisfaction high on the company (and management) agenda. The work still gets done, but the employee feels good about the job — and about themselves. And that’s a real win-win.
In constructing the list, I turned to my own personal experiences working in a variety of jobs and fields. And I pulled from things clients and readers have told me over the years. But sometimes the reason is as simple as knowing you make people smile … and that’s enough.
What do YOU look for in a job?
One of the first steps in any job search is figuring out what YOU want and need. General lists are great, but how do you tailor it to you and your needs? If you love a job, what specific job qualities work for you? And also, what things don’t work?
Emphasize the skills you want to use again on your resume.
And it’s ok to leave off things you hate altogether!
But maybe you still haven’t found any job that feels right. If that’s the case, take the time to really think about it, so you don’t repeat your mistakes. What would that ideal job look like — and feel like? Really think through the aspects of your day and what you’d like it to be.
More posts to help
Real Problem (Maybe) If Your Job Feels Wrong
Workplace Solutions: The Whole vs The Parts
How To Change Your Job Without Quitting
How Changing Your Attitude Can Change Your Job!
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Approval Seeking: Who Are You Really Trying To Impress?
What If You Never Find Your Dream Job?
7 Reasons We Stay In Bad Jobs
6 Healthy Things You Can Do At Work (In a Few Minutes)
And if you do need to quit your job
⇒ How To Quit a Job (Without Hurting Yourself)
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