Even if YOU don’t think there’s anything wrong with your attitude, the fact that your boss is singling this out means you need to pay attention…and probably
Emotional Triggers in the Workplace
A woman I know can’t stand having a boss. She’s been working for over 30 years and feels she knows her job as well as anyone. Every time her boss tells her to
Job Morphing: 20 Ways To Improve Your Job & Career
Job morphing is what I call taking a job and, kind of like alchemy, turning it into something quite different – something even better…many people feel trapped
Tips for Dealing With a Chaotic Workplace
The word “chaos” has been showing up in the news a lot lately. Especially when used to describe leadership management style. Some people actually thrive in a less-than-idyllic atmosphere. While others find that dealing with a chaotic workplace throws them into mental chaos and causes them to shrink inward. No matter where you are in […]
Are You Dealing With Workplace Drama?
When you’re dealing with workplace drama, you often don’t have a lot of energy left over to deal with actual work! Not only does it distract from what you need to do, it can make your job very uncomfortable. And, if you let yourself get caught up in it — even with the best of […]
Role of Automatic Behaviors in the Workplace
If you’ve read other articles here, you’re probably beginning to recognize that there are frequently patterns in how we behave at work. And apart from the carefully thought-out choices we make, “automatic behaviors” in the workplace can also step up to play a major role. Especially when it comes to finding success and happiness at […]
Workplace Culture: Putting a New Perspective To Work
Here it is again — our old friend perspective. And it’s just as important as attitude. In a recent post about attitude, Ryan spent a lot of his workday letting his negative side run wild. Instead, refreshed by a NEW perspective, he could have been using his creative energy to initiate things that both he […]
Whole vs Parts Thinking in the Workplace
When you really love something as it is, you rarely spend time thinking about what it is NOT. Especially since the list of what it is not is boundless. But instead we take it in as a totality. And that’s the best way to fully love something, even ourselves. Appreciating it as a whole, and […]
How To Deal With Disaster Thinking in the Workplace
I used to have a dear friend, who I also once worked for. At least once a week, you’d hear her voice energetically proclaiming “This is a DISASTER!” And suddenly we were all expected to rush about and do something. But more often than not, there was no disaster. Just disaster thinking. So what is […]
Attitude at Work: Changing Your Attitude Can Change Your Job!
When you’re thinking about leaving a job, it’s usually because you’ve decided it doesn’t have much to offer you. Or simply that you can do better elsewhere. But rarely does the idea of changing YOUR attitude enter the picture. And yet, if you do it right (it’s not just about smiling more), it can make […]