Adding joy to our work lives
Part of finding a healthy work-life balance in general is finding ways to make sure our workdays are not so draining. And not so soul-sucking. Not that I’m saying your job is necessarily like that. At least not every day, I hope. But there are a lot of things about our workdays and work colleagues that we can’t control. And that can be maddening.
⇒ Is Work-Life Balance Possible or Just a Myth?
So it helps our sense of daily well-being to find things that we do have control over … and then work them to our benefit. Special things maybe only we would understand that can hopefully bring more joy and support to our workdays. And to how we feel and act once we’re done for the day.
At least in most cases (some jobs are beyond repair), there are things we can do — even the smallest changes — that can help make our workdays better. Maybe just a little better at first, but over time you start to feel the difference — and realize that you helped make that happen. Self-esteem that you carry with you is a big part of work-life balance.
Some articles to help:
How YOU Can Make a Difference at Work Today
How Changing Your Attitude Can Change Your Job!
7 Reasons People Don’t Enjoy Volunteering (& Ways To Help)
(Re)discovering Social Side of Returning to the Office
Pros & Cons of Choosing a Trade Job Instead of College
How Useful Are Career Aptitude Tests?
What To Do If Your Job Makes You Miserable
Career Success? All I Do Is Work!
Feel You Wasted Your Life in a Meaningless Job?
Is Twitter Addiction Hijacking Your Brain?
Are You Tired of Being Judged By Your Job?
My Job Sucks and Now I’m Stuck!
Personal growth & development
Work-life balance can come in many shapes and forms. Some of the emotional balance comes from how you feel about yourself — and the many life challenges that confront you.
Our equilibrium grows as we develop ourselves. Some articles to help:
Afraid To Take Promotion You Were Offered?
Why Are You So Afraid To Ask for a Raise?
How I Negotiated a Four-Day Work Week
Do Women at Work STILL Have to Act Like Men?
Bad Career Moves: Aiming for Careers That Don’t Work!
Is Fear of Numbers Hurting Your Career Dreams?
Approval Seeking: Who Are You Really Trying To Impress?
Career Goals: Put Small Steps to Work on Big Goals!
The Non-Linear Path to Happiness at Work
What Makes a Job Good?
Your Relationship With Money Can Affect Life & Career!
Start Building Networking Connections That Last!
Dreaming of a New Job Where the Grass Is Greener?
What If You Never Find Your Dream Job?
How To Make Friends With Your Money
7 Reasons We Stay In Bad Jobs
Is Your Online Reputation Hurting Your Job Search?
Starting a Blog? Writing a Book? Which Do YOU Choose
Daring To Imagine a Different Life!
What an MBA Might Teach You
Will Volunteering During Job Search Get You a Job?
Work Skills For a Better Job? Finance Skills Can Help!
Are You Too Soft To Succeed in Business?
Job Morphing: 20 Ways You Can Improve Your Job and Career
Niche Careers: Creating a Career Niche for Yourself
Why Are Receptionists So Undervalued (and Underpaid)?
10 Two-Letter Words To Motivate Yourself
Why “Work Hard” Does Not Equal Success
Permission To Believe In Yourself (with Certificate)
⇒ EXTRA: Want To Career Coach Yourself? How To Get You Started
Workplace Relationships
A large part of our workday is spent dealing with people, especially bosses and coworkers. More often than not, how we feel on a given day is directly affected by another person.
Here are some posts to help … or at least offer a bit of perspective and hopefully comfort!
Is Job Social Life Your Only Social Life?
Pros and Cons of Flirting With a Coworker
Should I Go Out With My Boss If He Asks Me?
Email at Work: Company Email Is NOT Private!
Work Friend Is Asking For Money. What Do I Say?
Overly Friendly Coworker Wants To Be Friends!
Why It’s So Easy To Get Mad at Your Boss
The Day I Lost a Client for Political Differences
What To Do If Your Boss Takes You For Granted
How To Deal With a Bully Boss
Is “Toxic Culture” an Eye of the Beholder Thing?
⇒ EXTRA: Boss Treats You Badly? It’s Not Your Fault!
There’s no place like home & family
What Are Your Kids Learning About Work From You?
Loaning Money To Family or Friends (Sample Contract)
More workplace tips
6 Healthy Things You Can Do At Work (In a Few Minutes)
Working With Chronic Fatigue: A Balancing Act
Sometimes You Just Have To Breathe Out
Thoughts About (Required) Holiday Spirit
Neck Hurts? Hunched Over Your Computer? Posture Up!
How To Take a Nature Break at Your Desk
Dolce Far Niente (Sweet To Do Nothing) … at Work?
Need extra money?
In addition to time we spend on our regular jobs, we all need to make time for family, friends, and even private time for ourselves. But sometimes, to keep our work-life balance in check, we just need some extra cash.
Freelancing can give us a way to take on as much as we want, while seeing where the business might grow. Some “how to get started” tips:
How To Earn Extra Money Freelancing
Survive Tough Times By Learning New Skills
What Is a Project Manager?
How About Asking for a Raise?
Retirement tips and planning
Why Are You So Afraid To Retire?
How Much Money Do You Need To Retire?
Retirement Reality: What Happened To The Dream?
⇒ EXTRA: More Retirement Tips
And if you do need to quit your job
How To Quit a Job (Without Hurting Yourself)
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