Work that won’t make you crazy I had a wonderful email from one of my readers whose boss was driving him crazy at work. He said that he had been looking for a new job for many MANY months with no success. At least not the type of success he thought he was hoping for. […]
Thinking of Quitting Your Job? Write Yourself a Letter
I just got a GREAT comment from jmatt, who, in the process of writing to Work Coach, solved his own problem…truth popped out right in front of his eyes.
Trapped In a Job You Can’t Stand?
I got a great comment from one of my readers…responding to… Stuck and Sad who is trapped in a job she can’t stand with a boss who drives her crazy.
Do You Feel Invisible at Work?
Do you ever feel invisible at work? Maybe more than just sometimes? I think many of us have felt that way at some point of our career. But if you have a job where you feel that way now and it’s starting to get to you, keep reading. There’s a wonderful song called Mr. Cellophane […]
7 Reasons We Stay In Bad Jobs
Why do so many of us stay in bad jobs, long after the job’s expiration date? Sometimes it simply takes a while for us to realize it’s a bad job. Especially if you’re new to the work world. Or you’re hoping the job offers more pros than cons in time. But sometimes there are other […]
Why Do I Always Pick the Wrong Job?
If you feel that you’re in the wrong job, you are not the only one thinking that. Truth is that even people in the right job can sometimes wonder if they made the wrong choice. It’s human nature to question the choices we make in life. But if you find yourself going from job to […]
Took the Wrong Job? What You Can Do
Many years ago, I took a job as a film editor. I was excited by the opportunity to learn a new skill and, hopefully, begin to work my way into a new career. But within a few minutes of walking in the door on my very first day, I knew I took the wrong job. […]
My Job Is So Boring. Should I Quit?
I can’t even count the number of times I asked myself “Should I quit?” And, to be honest, many of those times I did quit. When a job is so boring — or annoying in some way — you just want to relieve the pressure NOW. And seeing it vanish into the distant past sure […]
Are You Embarrassed By Your Job?
Being embarrassed by your job feels strange. You know you need the money. And you know you had a good reason when you took it. Yet here you are with a nagging feeling that you are in the wrong job. And that others will see you as failing somehow. While there are many possible reasons […]
10 Reasons Your Job Isn’t Working for You
You spend a tremendous amount of your life at work. So when your job isn’t working out for you, it’s more than a mere inconvenience. The day-in and day-out misery you feel can affect every part of your life — even your sleep. But before you go running for the shiny “new job” door, you […]