Ah … messy coworkers. Most of us have had them. Some of us may even have been one of them at times — even if we didn’t realize it. And to complicate things more, what people see as messy can vary. As can office policy on the matter. So on a scale of aesthetically unpleasing […]
Coworker Betrayed Me. Now It’s Hard To Trust.
A reader writes to say that a coworker betrayed her. “He pretended to be my friend. But then he went behind my back, revealing a secret to our boss that got me in a lot of trouble.” She also says he set her up by encouraging her to take an action that he later used […]
Boss Won’t Fire Coworker Who Gets Away With Everything!
Dear Work Coach, I know an employee who has worked for umpteen years. During those years this person arrived to work late more times than not…drives me crazy
Coworkers Break the Rules & Get Away With It!
I’m a government employee who’s always on time for my job and always put in my full hours. However, I have co-workers who show up whenever they please
Playing the Blame Game at Work
Ah the blame game! It’s all around us — lately more than ever it seems. Despite far better ways to get ahead, much wasted time and energy go into playing the blame game at work. But when we blame others for all that is wrong, we wind up dividing & isolating. And we miss the […]
Coworkers Don’t Like Me. What Can I Do?
One of the most painful things we go through as a child is being in a group that makes us feel like an outsider. Unwanted and different in some important way. And the same holds true as we grow up. Even at work. Hearing someone say “my coworkers don’t like me” breaks my heart. We […]
Overly Friendly Coworker Wants To Be Friends!
Awkward! What if an overly friendly coworker wants to be friends with you now? How can you handle saying “no” to him or her and still work together? Or maybe you should simply give them a chance? It’s a tough situation to be in. When you have to see someone every day, you certainly don’t […]
Coworker Plays Music Too Loud
It’s absolutely maddening! When a noisy coworker plays music too loud, if you’re anything like me you want to scream. Except THAT would be seen as a bad thing. But their loud music is ok? Early on in my career I worked in a bank, where my cubicle was right next to someone who loved […]